It's about kids. families. grace. love. Jesus.
Beautifully nestled in 120 acres along the Park River, we’re a year-round camp creating spaces and experiences for kids and families to encounter Christ, connect with others, and experience God’s incredible grace.

Pancake Breakfast
April 27, 2025
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
We’d love to have breakfast with you! Join us on April 27 for hot-off-the-griddle pancakes, savory sausage, fresh eggs, and wonderful company. A free will offering will go to support camper scholarships!

Welcome to Camp!
We’re preparing a beautiful space and incredible experience for your camper, family, church, or group right now. PRBC is a year-round ministry located a few miles outside of Park River, ND. We’re proud to serve eastern North Dakota and beyond with opportunities for summer camp, retreats, groups, gatherings, meetings, and more. You can expect warm hospitality, faithful experiences, a safe environment, and so much fun. We can’t wait to see you at camp!
Summer Camp
We create a full summer of fun for kids of all ages, and some adults too.
We host retreats throughout the year to relax and renew, create and contemplate.
Groups & Events
Bring your school, class, team, board, committee, or any other group on site for gatherings.

Help impact children, families, and communities through sacred experiences at camp.
We thrive in partnerships. We partner with churches and their leaders. We partner with parents and families. And, to make ministry happen, it takes partners who cheerfully give of time, talent, and treasure. Through their gifts, these partners ensure we can do things like hold safe, fun camp experiences for all ages, pay our incredible summer and seasonal staff, and that anyone who wants to come experience the love of Christ at camp is able to, regardless of financial means. We need and appreciate these partners. Partners like you. Choose your best path to support this ministry, and get started below.
Pray for Camp
Pray for campers, families, staff, and leaders as we move forward in ministry.
Offering your time, skills, and passions makes an incredible difference.
Give Financially
Your regular financial gifts provide foundation today and onward.
Virtual Camp Tour!
Friend of camp, FullCircleV360 Tours, has created an incredible, interactive tour of our site, including our outdoor grounds and even inside some key builds at camp. Use the button below to start your tour. We’re also featured as part of the Park River Community Virtual Tour. Check that out below.
Summer 2025
God with us
“Do not fear, for I am with you.”
Isaiah 41:10
At camp this summer, we’ll explore the incredible truth that God is with us—always, in every moment and season of life. Through engaging Bible stories, hands-on activities, campfire & rally, we’ll discover how God’s presence surrounds us in every experience. Each day, we’ll dive into a different way God shows up in our lives.
Whether around the campfire, or in the stillness of nature, we’ll celebrate the unshakable promise that God is with us—yesterday, today, and always.