Jonah 4 – Can I get a rebuke?

This is the fourth in a four part series on Jonah. The fourth chapter of Jonah is an odd one.  The story would have wrapped up nicely with the end of chapter three, but Jonah just couldn’t let go of his vendetta against Nineveh.  So he became angry at the LORD’s...

Jonah 3 – Saved to Serve

This is the third in a four part series on Jonah. In chapter two, God’s greater purpose of sending a message to the people of Nineveh was put on hold.  The story focused on the individual needs and rescue of Jonah.  Finally in chapter three Jonah does what he was...

Jonah 2 – A Psalm of Thanksgiving

This is the second in a four part series on Jonah. Jonah’s prayer in chapter two continues with the language of spiritual descent that is used in chapter one.  In chapter one, Jonah continually went down (“yarad”) away from the presence and will of the LORD. The...

Jonah 1 – Qum, Qara, Yarad

This is the first in a four part series on Jonah. The first chapter of Jonah has some particularly fun Hebrew word-play going on.  The first word God says to Jonah is to qum (“arise” or “rise up”) and go to Nineveh.  When he gets to Nineveh he is supposed to qara...

God with us in the Spirit

For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself. Acts 2:39 During the last few weeks we followed the descent of humankind into sin and death. We watched it play out at the Tower of Babel and...

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