And the Angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good  news of great joy that will be for all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:10-11

In Genesis 3 we heard God’s first promise of a coming savior, the seed of the woman, who would crush Satan’s head. In Genesis 11 we heard the promise of a savior, who would be a descendant of Abraham, given again. Now we hear the promise repeated by an angelic host. For this Savior, the seed of the woman, the great descendant of Abraham, is born “this day” in the city of David.

This long awaited Savior is born! He is born unto you! He is the one God has promised would crush the head of Satan. He is the one through whom God would bless all the people’s of the earth. He is the one whose reign will endure forever; whose dominion will have no end.

He is born into our sinful humanity; into the family of Adam and Eve – into a family estranged from their God and cast out of God’s paradise.

This is why the Angel needed to say, “Fear not!” For God did not send his Son to condemn the world. He sent his Son to save the world through Him.

Jesus came to live, in our place, as a man. He came that he might do what Adam did not – that he might hold fast to God’s command, that he might trust fully in his father, that he might fully fulfill God’s good and gracious will. And Jesus did this for you.

Jesus became incarnate in a small village in Judea to bring you back into a right relationship with God, to set you free from your sin. He came to be your Savior. This is indeed Good News! Grand enough to inspire the angelic choir to sing.

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